“ Christmas Day on Bertra “
“ Swell Day “
Westport House - West front accross the lake
“ The One “ Pack of 6 Greeting Cards with White Envellopes
“ Lake Life “ Pack of 6 Greeting Cards with envelopes
“ The Point Is… It’s Christmas! “
“ Winter Walks “ pack of 6 Greeting cards with white envelopes
“ Office Party “ pack of 6 greeting cards with envelopes
“ At the Point “ Pack of 6
“ Clare Island Lighthouse “ Pack of 6 Greeting Cards with white envelopes
“ Swallows Gathering” Pack of six blank greeting cards
“ Family Time “ pack of 6 Greeting cards
“ Dancer with Red Gloves “ Pack of 6
“”Two for Joy” / Pack of 6
Eagle / Pack of 6
Night Owl/ Pack of 6
Grace O’Malley and Queen Elizabeth / Pack of 6
Four Collie Birds / Pack of 6 cards
Brendan Behan / Pack of 6 cards